I’m hard at work getting things up and running for my first Mystery KnitAlong (MKAL). I’m just putting the final touches on the pattern and have to send it off for editing. Designing and hosting a MKAL was one of my big goals for 2016 so I’m pretty excited to get things underway.
These are just two of the three colors used in the MKAL shawl. The third color is a light pink and is currently attached to the project while I figure out the bind off. Plain or fancy? Fancy or plain? Both options? Maybe.
I’m using madelinetosh Twist Light for the yarn and the colors are gorgeous.
When I’m not working on the MKAL or taking care of one of a million things that need to be done around here, I’m trying to sneak in some reading. I’m currently reading Mrs. Jeffries Learns the Trade by Emily Brightwell, which is a compilation of the first three Mrs. Jeffries stories. I’m on a huge mystery novel kick right now, and it shows no signs of going away.
Linking up with Yarn Along.
Good luck with your MKAL! Love your colors!