The annoying cough has developed into bronchitis. Last night I was laying on the couch in a state of cough-induced misery when I coughed up what I’m guessing was my right lung. Nice, huh? I have knitted nothing since the last time I posted. It’s too hard to knit while your whole body is convulsing from a cough.
Last night, DH and I were supposed to leave for New York to visit his family for Christmas. We didn’t make it. Why? In case you haven’t seen the news, we have this to thank for still being in Ohio.
A lovely 13 inches of snow. Now, maybe you live someplace where you scoff at 13 inches as just a dusting. Here it shuts down everything. We plan on leaving tomorrow morning. The upside? I get to watch my Thundering Herd play their bowl game in the peace of my own home. Meaning I get to cuss and throw things without fear of being arrested.
I do have something knitting related to say! I got my final KR Secret Pal package from Jenny. She sent 1000 knitting motifs and the Handy Book of Sweater Design. She also sent some catnip for Spike and Roxie. Thanks Jenny! You’ve been an awesome Secret Pal.
Since we’re leaving tomorrow and won’t be back until next week, I probably will not be able to post until I get back. My MIL has a computer so I may be able to just drop by and and say hi, but I’m not promising anything. If you’re in the vicinity of Phelps, New York (located between Rochester and Syracuse), stop by the farm and say Hi!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Mindy!!! Thank you so much for the package, it not only made my day, I think it made my month! I’m still loving it so much that I put it all back in the box and won’t let anyone touch it! You are truly an awesome secret pal. Hope you are feeling better and get to NY. Too bad it’s not closer to my neck of the woods!
mindy–i hope your bronchitis is better soon! enjoy your time away and happy knitting! hope you have a very merry christmas!
Hope you are feeling better, and were able to dig yourselves out for the trip!