I love our backyard in the spring. When we were house hunting and saw this house, we loved it immediately. The backyard sealed the deal.
We have ivy covering one part of the yard. Here you can see it climbing up a tree in our weeping garden.
These hostas are ones I planted after we moved here. I have something of a brown thumb. It's not quite a black thumb, but it's definitely not green either. Hostas are something that I can plant and grow well.
This lilac bush is one we planted at the same time as the hostas. My husband's childhood home has lilacs blooming in the yard and he's always loved them. Adding a lilac bush was his decision and a good one it was.
Here are some lilies of the valley. They edge right along the side of our deck. They're tiny and are only here for a short while.
The daffodils and tulips have come and gone. The irises are ready to pop any day now. My favorites are the peonies. They're coming up now. In a week or two, we'll have those creamy pink blooms all along the fence. I love to cut them and put them in Mason jars around the house. They make the yard and the house look so homey and cozy.
I just love our yard in the spring.
Lilacs are Lily of the Valley are my favorites – I love when they start popping up!
Oh, your yard must be gorgeous! I can’t ever get Lillies of the Valley to grow. Not enough shade or something.
What’s a weeping garden? I think we need a picture.