Liam James was born December 2 at 3:04 pm. He weighed 6 lbs, 1 oz and was 19 inches. I was in labor for about 19 hours or so. Labor sucked for about 6 of those 19 hours. I had 2 major meltdowns that were pain induced. I got an epidural and slept for a few hours. When I woke up, Liam was born within 20 minutes.
I am doing great. I’ve had no pain at all, and everyone has told me how lucky I am. Liam is doing much better. We were in the hospital for 4 days. I was discharged a day before he was. He was 4 weeks early so they wanted to watch him. He lost quite a bit of weight after we brought him home, and he had jaundice. He was treated with a bili blanket and his jaundice is pretty much gone now. He’s also gained back the weight he lost and now weighs more than his birth weight. He’s doing great now, too.
If you’re wondering about the whole ultrasound controversies we had…Liam was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after his birth. The diagnosis was confirmed by karyotype. So besides seeing the pediatrician, we’ve seen the genetics team at Cincinnati Childrens and will be seeing several more specialists at Childrens down the road. The Down Syndrome diagnosis is a non-issue. I know several people haven’t known what to say when I told them. Just tell us what you would tell anyone who just had a baby. We don’t think about Liam as having Down Syndrome; we think about Liam as our sweet baby.
We’ve been getting into a routine and trying to make our lives normal with a newborn in the house. I’ve been dragging the knitting bag around trying to find time to knit, but if I’m not feeding the baby or changing the baby or getting peed or pooped on by the baby, I’m vegging out and trying to sleep.
I’ll keep dragging the knitting bag around though.
Congratulations! Liam is gorgeous and I am just thrilled for you. There is no greater blessing. ๐
(And doesn’t it feel weird to realize you’re a mom? It took me months to get over that!)
As I said in my email to you. He is beautiful and perfect. God gave him to you because he knew how much you and your husband would love him. He is sooo cute, I just want to hold him and cuddle him.
Glad to hear that labor wasn’t too terrible. You will forget it before long. ๐ The epidural is a wonderful thing, especially to help you get a little sleep before they arrive.
The first few months were filled with the pretty much the same things you have. We had the bili blanket and all the other baby things like poop, pee, feeding, etc. It is hard to get knitting in when you just want to sleep in your spare time. Don’t worry about your knitting. Enjoy Liam, cuddle and sleep with him, sit and watch him sleep, or what ever you want to do. The knitting will be there when you get to it, but babies grow up WAY TOO FAST.
I can’t wait to see the little guy. Let me know when you are thinking of venturing out and showing him off.
Hugs and kisses to you and Liam.
That is one cute baby! ๐ Love his fuzzy dark hair.
My 2 had a tiny bit of jaundice after birth too (not enough to need any treatments, but they had the slightly yellow skin)…I swear, they’re cuter when they’re a bit on the yellow side. ๐ They have a nice “glow!”
What a beautiful baby – congratulations!
He’s beautiful. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Your baby is absolutely gorgeous:).
He’s adorable!!! Congratulations and have a wonderful holiday with your new son!
What a beautiful little boy. Welcome to Holland, as the famous saying goes. I have a daughter who was two in July with DS.
That is how I found your blog, doing my usual little blog searches in the evening.
Merry Christmas.
Congratulations Mindy and family! I am so happy for you.
I don’t think I ever went back and read this. Was Liam due on 1/1/07 by any chance? That was Georgia’s due date, but she was born 12/18….
He was a cute little nugget….I didn’t think it was possible to be more cute than he is now! I can’t believe or baboos are going to be a year so soon!