November’s come and gone already. It was a rough month. Sick kids. Sick me. No knitting mojo. It was just a month of blah. I didn’t make it to a knit night once, and I had to cancel the classes I was scheduled to teach at the yarn store since I was sick.
With December came Liam’s sixth birthday. We had a small celebration here at home, just the four of us. We went out to lunch at Applebee’s (his choice) then ate chocolate cake and ice cream at home. Christmas is coming and so is Juliana’s fourth birthday.
I cast on a new design, and it’s slow going so far. I love a good ruffle, but they use a lot of stitches so the rows are loooong. I’m looking forward to the row where I knit two together all the way across, reducing the number of stitches by half. I’m feeling the mojo again and have a lot of new ideas for 2013, including revisiting Holden. Oh, do I have plans for Holden!
I also have lost my mojo.I was knitting everyday, but now I just stare at it across the room.