Almost a holiday! Yay!!! I’m driving home to my mom’s house tomorrow night. It will be 4 glorious work-free days. Not to mention the food. I requested a buttermilk chess pie for dessert. Yummy to my tummy! Because I’ll be out of town I will have limited computer access so this will be my last blog until next week.
I made some progress on Clapotis this weekend. I’ve almost finished the increase rows. Methinks I’ll finish those tonight. Then to the fun of purposely dropping stitches. Tee hee!!
The poncho has also grown considerably. I’m knitting on the 4th skein of 5. I hope to finish up the poncho this weekend while at Mom’s. I have no plans to speak of except to drive out to Scary Holler to visit my Mammaw and Pappaw. Yep, they live out Scary Holler. I’m a country girl. Anyway, I laid the poncho on the living room floor to measure and the cats took a real interest, making me even more bitter about the time I spent on their cat bed.
Spike likes it.
Roxie likes it even more.
On the non-knitting front, I’ve been pondering the state of television shows. There are certain shows that I like to watch. That I try not to miss. Survivor, CSI, Desperate Housewives. But there has been nothing that would not crush my world if I missed it. I used to watch a show that only a supernatural act would keep me from missing. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Never has there been such a show. I don’t think there ever will be again. I say this in all seriousness. That show was smart, funny, heart-wrenching, and so true to life that when it went off the air I cried like my best friend died. For hours. Yes, I sat and cried for at least 3 hours at the end of the show. Is there a show that you are obsessed with? Is there something out there that I’m missing? What happened to truly innovative television? Do you have any recommendations for a great show?
I leave you with this. Don’t ask. I don’t know.
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you are having a great 4 day vacation!
Your cherry tree hill yarn is beautiful, by the way!
The West Wing. Can’t help myself.
Six feet under. Obsessed.
Law and Order.
You’re really advocating desperate housewives? Gotta try it.