How we're doing: Juliana is just starting to smile and coo. Her smiles are brief and hard to get still, but they're there. Liam is Liam. He's got some jealousy of his sister now. I've had to tell him that his sister's head is not a drum (before he beat on it with a drum stick) and to stop trying to pop his sister's head like a zit (as he squeezed her head as I was feeding her). Still no walking, but more talking. New words include dirty and clean. Oh, and straw cup!! He finally decided to drink from a straw. No more Sippy's. As for me, I'm healthy according to my doctor. I don't want to jinx it, but I think I've got all of us into a routine during the day. It all falls to hell come about 7:00 when Juliana goes crazy with the screaming until she falls asleep, but during the day we're doing better than I expected. Seriously, I keep the house mostly clean and have managed to put dinner on the table every night. We've made it to every appointment on time and with everyone clean and fed. I'd say that's successful.
a success indeed!!!!!
My kids are 22 months apart and I remember well that time of day. My sister calls it the “suicide hour.”
They are indeed very cute and I’m loving Liam’s teeth!
Seems I have seen these pictures somewhere. ๐ Sounds like you have a good system during the day. Hopefully Juliana will decide that 7:00 is ok and she doesn’t have to scream any more.
Well, please. Clue me in. I still haven’t managed to do any of that stuff, and my youngest is a year old now. Clearly I am doing something wrong. You are awesome!
Your kids are both absolutely gorgeous. I have enjoyed seeing Liam’s adorable pictures and now Juliana’s (love the name:)). I only have one so far (Tyler-5 months) and you are way more organized and clean,eek! My room too was an absolute bomb in high school and I still seem to have some problems. Reading your cleaning post has put a new perspective on this whole cleaning thing. I too love a clean house, yet I feel so overwhelmed. You have made it sound so easy and uncomplicated that I am going to try your way to see if it works for me. Thanks for the great advice:)
Her outfit is too cute.