Sometimes there is a huge upside to having a child with some sort of delay. In our case, it means that we've been pretty lazy with babyproofing because we really didn't have to do much. We started with the plug covers when he got mobile. Then we added baby gates–mobility plus curiosity. Then cabinet locks–mobility, curiosity, likes to be in the kitchen. We didn't have to clear off every surface because we could just scoot things out of reach. When you don't have to worry about your kid figuring out the messes he can make, it's a nice perk when you're lazy.
Day before yesterday, he figured out how to climb up on the couch. Pretty soon all the the cushions and everything on the end tables were in the floor. Yesterday, I was feeding Juliana and looked over and he was sitting on the coffee table (watching TV) with everything in the floor. He can push the ottoman to where he wants to go and he can climb up on it now.
Good Lord, give me strength.
The couch cushions are what drives me the most crazy. I must pick those things up forty times a day.
Just wait until Juliana gets mobile. Then they’ll double-team you.
hahaha…the fun now begins…I he gives you as much trouble as the twins give me!