There’s been this online furor over a book that was released in the UK. The book, The Gentle Art of Domesticity, was skewered in the press for reasons that I just can’t comprehend. I see staying at home and making a lovely home a worthwhile pursuit; although, most of the time, my home is just shy of a wreck. Honestly, I’ve got the cooking and baking part down, the cleaning part leaves much to be desired. Just because the author has chosen that life doesn’t mean that it has set feminism or women back. Really, I found the whole thing much ado about nothing and somewhat insulting. The implication seemed to be that a woman staying at home has married into wealth. Uhh, no.
My response to all this was to bake.
Modifying a recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks by Nigella Lawson, who has garnered her fair share of criticism, I made banana muffins. I added peanut butter to the recipe and more honey than listed.
Who says domesticity is a bad thing?
Those look delicious!
This is great info to know.