The sigh is for 2 reasons. I’m back in the "real" world…jobs, bills, traffic, midwestern accents (not that they’re bad or anything, but the West Virginian Hill Accent sounds like home to me). Second, Typepad is acting wonky. This is my second post tonight because the first completely screwed the format of the blog. Don’t ask me why. My theory is that I posted a list that I copied from Word, and Typepad didn’t like it. I wanted to share with you 100 things about me. So original!!! But I’m short on knitting content and thought it would amuse you temporarily. Maybe tomorrow when I have time to type it out and not copy and paste it.
Now, for other more important business…
I participated in the KR Secret Pal exchange. I am Kerry’s Secret Pal. Hi Kerry!!!!! You have something coming tomorrow. I am still gathering your final gift; it’s about halfway complete. DH picks the box up and says "Halfway?" while shaking his head. Promise to have it out to you soon. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
No knitting pictures tonight so I leave you with this.
Lucy-esque, ain’t it?
I cannot not believe you are my SP, you sly one, you! Thank you so much for the gifts they have been AWESOME!! I was feeling sad that I didn’t know who to thank, and here I knew you all along! : ) You’re the best.