Project Spectrum
The inspiration struck in Krogers on Friday afternoon.
I did dye some of the eggs with the other colors in the package–red, purple, blue, and green–but those pictures are all blurry so I’m sparing you.
Actual Knitting
The past 2 Saturdays I’ve taken the Entrelac Bag class at my LYS. There are at least 2 sample bags floating around the store, and I’ve wanted one since I first saw them.
On the left is the back piece, on the right is the front. The bag is assembled as such. Just imagine a seed stitch strap with the Lamb’s Pride.
I am amazed at how remarkably easy entrelac is. I can see myself knitting several of these as gifts.
*Easter Eve=a notorious story regarding a 15 year old me, my best friend, a big party, lots of alcohol, a green sundress from The Gap, a hangover from hell, and church. Easter Eve is still celebrated by me and my best friend although we don’t really involve the alcohol anymore. It still makes us laugh until we wanna puke.
It has been one full year since my birthday…I am still waiting on a knitted item. I won’t be picky.