Juliana is fifteen months old. I don't talk about all her accomplishments like I did with Liam. Second child syndrome, I think. I'm going to give her some blog time right now though.
She's 22 pounds and approximately 28 inches tall. Ever tried to measure the height of a screaming 15 month old? That's why it's approximate. She's in overall good health. She has an ear infection right now; one that I had no idea about. It's the first ear infection for either kid. She's due for another MRI of her neck and spine. We saw the neurosurgeon a few weeks ago. He thinks her syrinx is just something to keep an eye on and nothing to worry much about. So, it's pretty much the same situation as with Liam's heart. Keep an eye on it, know it's there, know the symptoms of problems, but don't worry about it.
She walks. Forget that, she runs. Even standing still, she's moving. She is busy every moment she's awake. She climbs the stairs. Her legs are too short for her to climb up on the couch, but that doesn't mean she doesn't try. She wants to eat with her own fork ( Side note: Thank goodness for this. When Liam sees her doing it, he wants to do it too. Woohoo!) And, she talks. All the time. The nurse at her 15 month well check asked how many words she had. I had to say over fifty. She has a couple of two word phrases. She is adorable when she comes running and shouting, "Hi Mommy! Hi Mommy! Hi Mommy!"
This will be really boring, but I'm going to list her words that I can remember off the top of my head. I'm doing it more for record-keeping than anything, but here they are: hi, bye, mommy, daddy, bubby, mawmaw, cat, dog, duck, cow, fish, cup, water, milk, pancakes, cheese, pizza, cracker, toast, orange, apples, juice, bath, book, ball, baby, car, coat, backpack, socks, shoes, shirt, pants, head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, belly, toes, feet, teeth, chair, Elmo, Cookie, Grover, puppy, no, table, down, paper, remote, flower, diaper, phone, bus. Yeah, over fifty.
Anyway. She's adorable and such a stinker. I can't imagine not having a Juliana. My Juliana J.
too cute.
Wow she is so cute:). I have a little bit of a complex now though. My son is 18 months old and all he says is mama (all the time!). He didn’t start walking until he was 15 months old. Your kids are sooo cute and they are lucky to have a great mom.
What a cutie!!!! Why do babies eyes appear SO big! She has beautiful ones, too. Hope everything turns out OK medically.