…or a mess.
I've never had a pattern come as easily as this one. Even all the mathy parts worked out the first go round. I double and triple checked the math because it's never this easy for me. There was one point last night when I was counting stitches in the chart where I had to shake my head in disbelief. It just couldn't have been right the first go round. I counted again and again then laughed like I was deranged. It looks the way it should. It adds up the way it should.
I'm ready to cast on. I always change things a little as I go, but it can't be this simple, can it? This is going to end up in one of two ways: with me singing and dancing with glee or I'm going to kill it with fire.
Stay tuned.
You’re gonna let me test this one, too, right? Because now you’ve gone and turned me into a shawl fiend. LOL.
Yes, friend, you can test this one if you want. It will be a little crescent shaped shawl, stockinette body, lace edging.