Long time, huh? Let’s recap the past few months.
The Good
1. Now 30 weeks pregnant with a boy.
2. Don’t hate me for this, but I’ve only gained 8 pounds so far. No, no cause for concern from me or my doctors.
3. I have started a bit of knitting again. I’m working on the Swallowtail Shawl from IK.
The Bad
1. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes about a 3 weeks ago. I have to follow a diet that restricts my carb intake, but I can still eat what I want (within reason) as long as I meet the nutritional goals. All in all, not that bad, except our insurance isn’t covering everything. Really, would you rather pay for the testing and supplies or a C-section when the baby ends up being monstrously large?
2. Ultrasounds. I hate them. I never want another one. The first u/s at 20 weeks revealed multiple anomalies with L*. We went for a second opinion with a specialist. Specialist says no problems at all. Perfectly normal. Follow up u/s this past week…regular doc still says multiple anomalies, but nothing fits with a specific diagnosis. Now who do we believe? The specialist or my OB who sees nothing but the pics from the u/s tech? Doug believes the specialist; I’m torn between wanting to be hopeful and preparing myself for something else. The equipment at the specialist is much better, the specialist actually did the u/s not a tech, and he took an hour or so to look at everything. OB’s tech wanted to be done in a few minutes. We’re going to wait and see what happens. No matter what the outcome is, we want this wee boy and will love and adore him.
*L is his first initial. We have a name and have had one for a long time. Not sure if I want to post it on the Internets quite yet.
The Ugly
Our To Do list is horrific. This weekend includes:
1. Clean our dump of a house. This includes laundry, scrubbing the floors, washing windows, cleaning the curtains & blinds, dusting furniture, and reorganizing/decluttering everything else. Have I ever mentioned that I despise cleaning house more than almost anything else?
2. Buy a crib mattress.
3. Carry dresser/changing table into the nursery from the garage. I’m not involved with this!
4. Unpack everything from my baby shower last weekend with my family.
5. See if Marshall football game is on TV today. If so, watch it, yell, and be disappointed when they lose.
6. Watch Bengals on Sunday. Watch, yell, and be disappointed if they lose.
7. Charge digital camera after finding it. Haven’t found it for the past 6 or so months.
8. Take pictures of knitting and post them.
9. Knit?
For your viewing pleasure
Remember a few months back, I posted about the Marshall movie being filmed in Huntington? With Matthew McConaughey? The movie is going to be released December 22. Right around my due date. Figures. I was so excited about this movie being made. Now you can be too. I’ve included the link to watch the movie trailer. The first time I watched it I cried. Not just tears, but a sobbing, can’t catch my breath kind of cry. I blame it on hormones, but if you don’t tear up watching these 2 minutes, you’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
Watch We Are Marshall.
Yay a post! Sorry that you are having so many problems. It really sucks to have 2 conflicting answers. Have you thought asking for a 3rd opinion?
Hopefully we will see you Monday if you can find some time in that busy schedule. ๐
You need to play the preg. card while you still can and have your hubby clean the house while you work on putting things away in little L’s room. ๐
I had GD with both pregnancies…not bad though (never had to take insulin or anything, completely diet-controlled). If you need someone to commiserate with, I’m here!
Watch that testing though, I limited my finger-pricks to my pinky and ring fingers, so as not to interfere with my knitting! ๐
Hey look who it is!!
Sorry you’re having issues, it’s always scary when you’re pregnant..and seriously? I have never known ONE person not to be told by at least one doctor that something could be wrong. Every family member was told the head was too big, or the baby to small, or some other ridiculousness. I’m sure everything will be fine!
Get knittin’ girl!
Sorry to read about the scare. I hope everything turns out alright. Only 8lbs and you have gd? Wow, you’re good. You go, momma! I agree with Tonia – play the preggo card and sit your bum on the sofa!!