For the second day of Knit and Crochet Blog Week, I’m going to talk about what inspires me, what I aspire to in my craft. When presented with the topic for today, I had two things immediately come to mind.
The pattern that inspires me the most, the one I want to knit is Wing ‘o the Moth by Anne Hanson. It’s a large lace shawl. I pulled out the pattern today and looked over it once again. There’s no new to me techniques in it. Nothing particularly difficult about it, to me anyway. It’s a beautiful lace shawl. I even have the yarn for it. I plan to knit it in Schaefer Yarn Andrea–a 100% silk lace weight yarn. The color is Barbara McClintock (I bought the yarn for the name alone, my inner geek stood up and shouted.); my skein is pale tans and sage green. I think the Wing ‘o the Moth would look stunning in this shimmering yarn. I think I may even add some beads to the pattern. Imagine a shimmering silk lace shawl with a smattering of sparkle throughout. An heirloom project.
The second thing I thought about was designing. Currently, I have a notebook with four designs in it. Three pairs of socks and a lace shawl. I’ve got the beginnings of the shawl written out, I’ve done some math, and have sketched out the beginnings of the chart. For me, this is where I’m headed next. It’s the next step up from knitting patterns other people have written. There’s not a pattern that I feel is beyond my capabilities. It’s time for me to challenge myself and write a pattern or four on my own.
The Wing O’ The Moth is a gorgeous shawl the size alone would cause me to second guess myself over & over. If you do start it I can’t wait to see your progress.