Some yarn and a digital camera. I think I’m going to beg and plead and maybe cry for a camera. I’m good at the getting my way. So are my sisters, so it must run in the family. Since my birthday is Friday, I probably won’t post again until the weekend. I’ll update you on what good presents I got.
The knitting has been slow around here lately. I’ve started my new job, and I’m training my replacement at my old one. I couldn’t knit much on Monday with the Bengals on Monday Night Football (crazy husband!). The poncho is still going. I tried to start the Lopi Lace scarf, but I had problems with the yarn overs. I can do a YO, but I was confused about it (I can’t even begin to explain my stupidity with it) so I had to frog it out. Again and again and again and again. I’ve now figured out what I was doing wrong, but I’ve yet to cast on again.
I got my yarn for Clapotis on Monday. Yarn Market delivers super fast. I ordered Thursday afternoon and got it on Monday. I’ve ordered from there previously and it was just as fast. I held my pretty pretty yarn and petted it and yes, I sniffed it. It doesn’t smell as good as the Reynolds Plymouth Heather that I’m using for the poncho, but it’s nice… real nice. I’m drooling as I sit here and type. Mmmm, silk and merino yarn, mmmmm. Okay, I’m back. The yarn came in a hank. I hate hanks. I’ve destructively tangled 2 hanks of other yarn. I so don’t want to do that to my pretty yarn. I can’t afford that. So I’m scared to start Clapotis since I’m terrified that I’ll kill my yarn. Mmmmm, silk and merino yarn, mmmmmm.
Go for the digital camera! You will NOT be sorry! I am going to experience clapotis vicariously through you, since I am way over my head with wips right now.