Last weekend, we drove down to my mom's house. If all of us are going, then I usually don't drive. I load up the iPod with knitting podcasts and knit for the majority of the trip. A three hour trip down and back adds up to a lot of knitting time.
I cast on for the Lace Ribbon Scarf immediately after finishing my handwarmers. I ended up ripping out everything I had knit because I completely wonked up a row, and I cast on again in the car. The yarn I am using is Knitting Notions Classic Merino Bamboo in Winter Sky. I bought this at the Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival. I think the yarn and the pattern are a perfect match.
Sometimes this is the only time I get to put my feet up and knit uninterrupted.
Juliana slept for most of the trip down. Liam slept for part of the trip.
I finished two repeats of the pattern. I think maybe I need a chauffer.
aww they’re so cute when they’re sleeping. Your scarf looks lovely so far