I do knit. I've knit quite a bit lately. I have a whole slew of finished projects that need photographed. Until that happens, this is the latest project on the needles.
This is Citron from the latest Knitty. The yarn is Knitting Notions Classic Merino Lace in Stormy Seas.
The pictures were taken today using my new light box. I rigged up a light box this afternoon. I used the tutorial here. One of my goals for this new year is to take more pictures and to improve my photography skills. This is the first step. I didn't do any retouching to these photos, and I think they are pretty decent. The color is a pretty true representation of the actual color of the yarn. So stay tuned for four (!) finished objects, complete with pictures.
That is really cool. Both the shawl and the light box. I don’t even really take pictures and now I want to make one.