Okay, so another post about something I did before Juliana was born. Cut me some slack here, baby having and toddler wrangling take up my time.
Anyway, in mid-December I ran across the sign-ups for the 2009 Rockin' Sock Club. I had held out for several years, telling myself that I couldn't justify the expense. In a moment of weakness, I signed up for this year. I was excited about it, but also just a tad bit guilty. I mean, it's nice and lovely yarn, but it's also a chunk of change. A big chunk of change for a family about to add another member.
I got the first package a couple of weeks ago. Warning: Look away now if you signed up for the club and haven't received your January shipment (most people have already received theirs, but just in case…).
This yarn is gorgeous. Really and truly beautiful. The pattern accompanying the yarn is called Queen of Beads by Sivia Harding. It's a beaded sock pattern. I cast on last week, but I'm not adding the beads. I decided against the beads just out of sheer laziness, no other reason. I've seen some of the finished socks, and they're beautiful.
I don't feel so guilty about signing up for the club now. A few days after I signed up for it, my husband came home with The Sopranos–The Complete Series. At Amazon, that's $329, more than my sock club. He justified the purchase saying it was his Christmas present. The sock club is mine.
Those blues are breathtaking!! Serious yarn envy going on over here.
It is some pretty yarn that is for sure and the pattern looks really interesting. Just think you could have signed up for another club to even things out. ๐