After all my moaning about the scarf, I thought I should at least show it to you. It is quite a lovely scarf, just knitting it has been a chore. The yarn was a Christmas gift from my sister. Wool in the Woods something or another. Finding out the full name of it would require me to go look.
I’d say the scarf is about halfway complete. It’s easy, mindless knitting that I can sneak in during the day. I knit a couple of rows at a time while the baby is napping or I’m hooked up to the breast pump (maybe TMI, but hey it’s a chunk of time to knit). I also knit on it before I go to bed.
I think I’m going to add fringe to the scarf, which isn’t in the original pattern. I’ve seen a couple of scarves out there in Blogland with fringe, and I’ve liked the way they look. I’ve still got some time to make that decision, and I’ve got plenty of yarn should I make that decision.
Yesterday, was an icy mess. I was sure we were going to lose electricity. Our electricity is touchy anyway; we seem to lose power for no good reason several times a year. The thought of losing electricity yesterday had me panicking for a while. I wasn’t looking forward to trying to figure out how or if I could use the pump with its battery pack. No pump means the baby gets formula, which I hate and he hates. Luckily, we had no problems even though everything is covered in ice.
That’s the cherry tree outside our bedroom window. I hope everyone is warm and safe. I’m going to go fix a nice, hot cup of tea and watch the Season One Project Runway marathon. Yay!
Oh we have been the ones without power or phones or anything. It seems to be somewhat stable at the moment, but I am not holding my breath that it will stay. Thought the ice on the trees is pretty, it is soooo dangerous. There are so many trees down here. If you go out at any time of the day you can hear something falling from a tree. It is quite scary.
Beautiful yarn and scarf.
Okay, I’ve had my fill of winter; I’m ready for spring.