This may be my fastest finished object ever. EVER. I cast on for it on a Saturday evening, and I finished it around 1 am that same night. I didn't knit on it that whole time. I read a story, knit a few rounds, read another story, knit a few rounds, fixed dinner, fed kids, bathed kids, knit a few rounds, nursed the baby, put her down for the night. After all that I sat down and finished it in about 3 hours.
It's really hard to get a good picture of yourself wearing a hat.
It's a really fast knit. It's a really easy pattern. It's my "I didn't want to fix my hair" hat.
Pattern: Star Crossed Beret
Yarn: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted in Chino
Needles: US 8 and US 10.5
Cute hat!!
What a coincidence! I just love yours…
This looks GREAT on you! I love slouchy hats and have added this one to my to-do list!