The Knitting Olympics kick off (I suppose kick off is a football term and there is no football in the Olympics, unless you call soccer football, but it’s not in the Winter Olympics, and I’m rambling…) tomorrow evening. I’m ready to go. Yarn is wound. Needles are in my bag (I should really double check that the needles are still in my bag). Ooh, I need to put the pattern in my bag. It will do me no good on the coffee table.
I’m stupidly excited for this. When I was getting ready this morning, I was flipping between the Today show and Buffy. I spent more time watching Today than Buffy because Today was in Torino and the bottom of the screen said Countdown: One Day or something like that. I am dumbfounded and amazed that there are more Knitting Olympic "athletes" than real live Olympians. This whole thing is just freakin’ cool and is a happy aside to real life.
I wanted to have the Jaywalkers finished before I cast on for my Olympic project, but I’m only about 2 inches into the cuff of the second sock. I haven’t knit a whole lot this week (or last). I kinda feel like I’m saving all my knitting mojo to finish a project in 16 days. Good thing the Olympics only roll around every 4 years (or every 2 since Summer and Winter are on different timelines now), otherwise I’d get jack finished.
So what have I been doing since I haven’t been knitting?
1. Work–it sucks.
2. Worrying about doctor’s appointments and the whole "Mission Get Knocked Up"–it sucks. I’ve been having a downswing in my mood regarding this lately. Doug and I have had long talks about our options and have made plans for each option. We’ve made peace (i.e. no emotional freakouts) with the choices we’ve made. But, a couple of recent events have smacked me around again. First, we got the husband’s family’s genealogy book in the mail this week. Totally fascinating, but a swift kick in the groin nonetheless. We were looking through pictures and commenting on how so and so looks just like whozit while silently thinking "That stops with us". And, now, we’re just in a waiting period between regular doctor’s appointments and getting into the specialist we want. I feel like I’m wasting time even though it’s only going to be a couple of weeks wait. I have no patience for this! Even if we’re waiting for test results (we’re not right now), I feel like we’re taking action. Right now, I see this as doing nothing and doing nothing means we’ve given up and don’t care. To top that off, I got 2 invites to baby showers today. Hi salt, jump right in my wound.
So… looking forward to thinking about lace and shawls for the next 16 days. I’ll see some of you fellow Olympians tomorrow night. I will have chocolate (I think I’m going to make brownies) with me. And, there may be some wine in my bag. Yarn + wine = no problems.
Good luck, on all your endeavors. The Knit Olympics sound like fun!
WooHoo–it’s the big day tomorrow!
(I think I’m bagging the shawl plans…but that’s not official. Decisions, decisions.)