- I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant.
- I was released from the RE to my OB.
- I am seriously stressing about the first OB appointment.
- I have moments of feeling like absolute crap and feeling just fine.
- Let's hope that the morning sickness I had with Liam doesn't start soon.
- It started about this time with Liam.
- I still have some of the same nausea triggers as I did with Liam: the refrigerator, uncooked food, trash, the smell of coffee.
- Some new triggers: dirty diapers, baby food, scents.
- Triggers with Liam that aren't triggers now: toothpaste.
- I'm wearing maternity clothes already. No, there isn't more than one baby.
- Liam will be 18 months old in a few days. How?
- I haven't knit a damn thing in over a month.
I think that about covers it.
I’ve missed you!! I hope you don’t get sick – that is no fun!
Ugh. I am happy to report I am feeling MUCH better (at 17 weeks) than I was at 10 weeks. I hope the same holds true for you!
How exciting! I didn’t know you were pregnant until now! Where have I been?!
Hang in there…I thought about you last Thursday and today as we passed through Huntington!
Congratulations! So exciting.
Woo Hoo!!!! I love to hear good news! I prefer to think that your body knows how to do this pregnant thing now, and won’t give you such a hard time this time around. I say NO to morning sickness.
By the way, it takes guts to admit you’re such a knitting slacker. Get on the stick, er… sticks. You still have some time, knit something already!
I am almost 23 wks now and feel great! I don’t think I really believed everyone when they said the ALL DAY SICKNESS (not just in the morning) and fatigue would get better, but it did. I also knit very little in those 2 months that I felt so bad, but I am finally back to knitting, Yeah! I am really excited for you and your family, Welcome back.
Ugh – the sickness sounds awful… but it’s super exciting that you’re preganant!