When I posted earlier this week, I was on a little rant. Did ya figure that one out? I’m feeling better now. I apologize for the bad words. I tend to have a little bit of a potty mouth. Especially when I’m in a bad mood or really mad. But, I still say naked all the time. Naked naked naked!
My FIL and SIL will be here in a few hours. I need to take a shower, clean the guest bedroom, and get some more laundry done. I want to do none of this. I REALLY need to get some yarn dyed this weekend. I don’t know how much I can get done with them here. Doug is off on Monday; I’m hoping to get a lot done then.
We have more prizes coming for the Buddy Walk. You still have time to donate or join us!! As of last night, we were in 13th place. The top 10 teams get a tent at the after party. We’re so close! I think the last couple of teams in the top 10 will only be separated by a little bit of money. I think we can do it, but we need some more help. So, click on the link above. You don’t have to donate a lot of money, every little bit helps.
Have a good weekend! I hope to get some dyeing done. I’ll take some pictures too.
Glad that you are feeling better. Hope you have a great time with your sister and brother-in-law.
We all need to rant sometimes. I’m glad you’re feeling better.
My niece and nephew aren’t allowed to say “butt”. My kids are allowed and I can just see my SIL’s lips purse whenever they say it. I figure if “butt” or “naked” are the worst words they pick up from me or my DH for now, they’re good.
Well now that I know there’s a tent involved!!!
I hope you can reach all your goals with this buddy walk and more. What a wonderful way to involve all your friends and family in your quest for awareness. I wish I could be with you walking next month, please know my thoughts are with you,little Liam and all of Team Pickle.