Juliana turned 3 weeks old yesterday. Here's how she's doing: eat, cry, sleep, cry, poop, eat, cry, sleep, poop, eat, cry. She's a good eater. It's amazing that this breastfeeding thing really works. At her 2 week weigh in, she was 9 lbs, 7 ounces. And the crying. Babies cry. Who da thunk it? Liam rarely cried as a baby. He's still not much of a crier. Juliana more than makes up for him. Oh my gravy, does she make up for it. After she eats, she cries. Sometimes she sounds like she's calling the neighborhood dogs. She has this scream-cry thing. And sometimes she cries just for the sake of making herself cry. She's lucky it's been so cold otherwise she'd be living under the deck with the raccoons. I kid, I kid.
We call her the grumpy old woman. We laugh because we say she looks like those apple head dolls. A screaming apple head doll, but an apple doll nonetheless.
Speaking of funny, let's talk Liam's favorite song. Last night, he was dancing to it, and we were laughing so hard that we woke Juliana up. I have got to get it on video, his reaction to this song. When Doug starts a Sopranos DVD, the little HBO logo pops up, and Liam literally gets ready to dance. He smiles this crazy smile and situates himself to boogie down. Thankfully, we have it on CD so I can take it in the car. How warped is it that my 2 year old's favorite song is from The Sopranos?
Isn’t it wild, the crying?
yeah so…I think…in about 20 +/- years we’ll be in-laws because our kids are perfect for each other! ๐
And um…pictures?????? ๐
It’s so interesting the differences isn’t it? Maybe she’s gassy after she eats? I used to massage Dominic’s belly afterwards and that helped. He also had like an hour of the day (6 pmish) that he’d decide to just scream. The only way we could get him to calm down is by letting him be naked. lol
I want pictures girl!!!
Pictures please!!!