How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organisation exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organised at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the individual skeins. However, if you are organised, blog about an aspect of that organisation process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organised stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry.
I try to keep my knitting supplies organized. I try. I do. But, things have a way of not staying organized around here.
This is my little cubby for yarn. It's really not half bad. The very top has some worsted weight yarn. The cubbies down the side are mostly lace weight. The lower cubbies have a mix of fingering weight through worsted weight, but each cubby contains all of that particular yarn. It's very easy for me to find what I'm looking for here.
This is a full laundry basket of nothing but sock yarn. This is the vast majority of my stash.
Here's where everything falls apart. My little work table in my craft space is so bad. Horrible.
See? It's baaaad. Yes, that's a diaper there in the front. I don't do any work here even when the table is neat and organized so it doesn't hamper my crafting, but still. Yikes. Underneath the table is a Rubbermaid bin filled with the remnants from past projects and a couple of bags with unfinished projects.
One last picture.
This is my desk at the moment. This is where I do a lot of work. It's almost to the point where I need to clear it all off because it's distracting. Almost. I have a pretty high tolerance for the mess. I know where things are. That's what counts, right?
*Excuse the crappy pictures. My stash is in our basement with craptacular lighting.
**Yes, I know this is the Day 3 topic. Yesterday was not a great day for me. Blogging was the last thing I wanted to do.
I realise this is days late but I hope your days to come are much better than the not great ones.
You know 31 could really help with the organization process! I’m sure all your knitting friends would love to be organized with stylish totes!