Part One
I’ll start with knitting. I cast on the Monkey socks 2 days ago. I’m halfway through the leg. I’ve read that these socks go fast, and they do. It’s an 11 row repeat, and 3 rows of the repeat you knit every stitch so it’s fast. You do the repeat 6 times for the leg. I can easily get a repeat done a day. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a lot for me. The pattern is pretty easily memorized too. I only have to refer to the chart every now and then to make sure I’m on the right track.
I am knitting with the Tamarack colorway, and I’m liking how it’s knitting up.
Part Two
Time for baby stuff now. Yesterday, Liam saw the PT. We aren’t doing any private therapy since he’s been doing so well. We’ve only seen the Early Intervention PT once about 6 weeks ago. Her assessment: He’s beautiful. I can’t ask for anything better. I did ask her about his lack of rolling. She said that he can roll. He just has to want to roll. Some kids don’t like to roll so they don’t. What does he do that evening? Roll. From back to belly. He rolled over in his crib this morning before his first bottle. After his morning nap, I caught this.
Seems he’s figured out that he likes to roll.
He’s excited. I’m excited too. That means when we re-evaluate his IFSP next month, we can cross off all the goals set on the last one and write all new ones. Sitting is obviously going to be a goal for the next IFSP. They about fell over when they saw him sitting on his own. We see the OT and ST next month for the first time. I’m anxious about this. I know I shouldn’t be since he doesn’t seem to have any issues, but I’m afraid they’re going to find something or tell me I’m doing something wrong. Especially in the case of the ST. He’s eating fine for me, but I have no experience feeding a baby so I have no idea if he’s doing something "not normal". I guess this is the way it goes.
They always like to prove us wrong don’t they? My eldest didn’t crawl till 10 mos. – we were sitting on the floor at a friends house, and I was saying “No, he can’t crawl yet” and what does he do – crawls right over to her.
Sounds like your boy is doing wonderfully – and trust your instincts, its easy to 2nd guess ourselves, but odds are you’re doing a great job.
I am resisting casting on for these socks….and it’s getting more and more difficult.
I just have to say he is a beautiful little guy and am thrilled to see he’s doing so well. I love his smile!
Your little monkey looks great (the sock that is) ๐
James loved to proove me wrong all the time. I swear if I mentioned to the Dr. that I was worried about something that he wasn’t doing yet he would either do it at the Dr. appointment or the next day. I am so happy for you that he is progressing so well. He is such a happy guy.
So will he get a Who Dey outfit for the winter? Since he’s sporting his Redlegs preference in those pics… ๐
I’m liking the socks – great color!
Liam is doing so well – I love his happy face after his roll!
He is really precious. Really!