Saturday evening, we went to one of our local parks to hear our local suburb's symphony. This was supposed to be a Down syndrome outing, but since we were the only ones to show (boy, do I have some thoughts about this) it was just a family outing. Because it is so close to the Fourth, the symphony played patriotic pieces and marches.
We brought a blanket and listened on the lawn. This allowed the kids to run around without disturbing anyone.
She wanted to sit on my lap whenever she wasn't running about.
There was clapping.
There was dancing.
There was cuteness everywhere.
The other thing I did this weekend was cast on for a new project. I have a raging case of startitis right now. I'm trying to keep it under control until I get something else finished, but I couldn't resist the socks.
Were you literally the only people to show up? Did you get a private concert??
What park was this, Mindy?