Remember when I wrote that Liam may know the letter Z? Yes, yes he does. He recognizes it on sight, will point to it, and then say "zee". He also knows U and T. He demonstrated that by reading his ABC book and opening it up to those pages and telling me "ooh ooh" for U and "tee" for T. I was washing the windows so I had no hand in influencing him. He did it again for his EI teacher who about fell over.
Any good ideas for reinforcing/teaching letters other than books?
Ooh- that’s awesome! I saw that leapfrog has a fridge phonics doohickey, if you don’t mind the plasticky noisiness of that sort of thing.
Regardless, YAY Liam!
The magnetic letters that stick to the fridge are great. Something like these
Make them with him out of clay (playdoh), let him colour them on paper (even if he doesn’t really “colour”), you can find them online with images of the stuff that starts with the letter (I have them in Dutch, and same for the numbers). Or cut them out of cardboard and let him embellish them. The magnets are great too, we had them as kids! (By the way, I’m an OT so that might explain a bit … :D)
We have the fridge phonics from leap frog (came with the entire alphabet and #’s 1-10). It is great!! Also there is another one that they can spell words with. They have the alphabet pal caterpillar as well. I love leap frog.LOL Looks like they also have a spider that the letter shows up in the belly. Not sure how it works, they have come up with quite a few new ones since James was into it. He still plays with his fridge phonics one so I have never taken it down. Nothing wrong with reinforcement. ๐
Way to go Liam!!! You are such an over achiever. Show them what you can do. ๐
My kidlet’s preschool teachers suggested letting them “finger paint” the letters on the wall during bath time using shaving cream. Or you could spray the shaving cream on the counter next to the sink and let them draw the letters in the shaving cream. It’s messy fun!
Mindy, when Adam was little, he had a wooden puzzle of the alphabet. He LOVED it, and I really think it helped him learn his letters. His was similar to this one:
WTG Liam!!
We have one of those leapfrog fridge word wamers and Nick loves it. We also watch the leapfrog “Letter Factory” video. It teaches letters and their sounds in a fun way.
We also have wooden letter puzzles. Also, I bought a set of letter cookie cutters. Sometimes we used them for cookies sometimes playdo.
Food! I make pancakes in the letter r for renzo. Pour syrup or make cheese pieces form the letter r. Playing with food is really fun, I know I will regret it one day…